Anglicans believe in seven sacraments, and that the primary sacraments are Holy Communion, (The Lord's Supper) and Holy Baptism. We believe this because both of these were instituted by Jesus in the Bible. To
read more about the particulars of what we believe about communion go here.
Receiving Holy Communion is appropriate for all baptized Christians. All baptized people regardless of their church membership are welcome at the Lord's Supper in our church. In cases where a serious sin is impairing a persons relationship with God, they should seek the sacramental rite of Reconciliation.
First Communion
We allow children of any age to receive communion if they are baptized. (For more about this read "Children and Communion" "Ninos y Comunion". We do recommend that they learn about communion, ideally when they reach a second or third grade reading level. We have classes at least once a year for this.
Application for First Communion