WHAT about my WHY?
Comedian Michael Junior says knowing “Why” we do something is more important than knowing “What” we thing we should do. When ‘why’ is clear, the “what” becomes clearer. And when things are hard or challenging, knowing why can give you that extra boost to continue moving forward.
Gratitude for God’s grace is the underlying “Why” in my life. I grew up in a Christian home, was required to go to church every Sunday, but somehow missed the part where you commit your life to Jesus Christ and put your faith in his Resurrection, Forgiveness, and Plan for your life.
When I was helped by others to commit my life to Christ, and discovered his forgiveness, I was so grateful. And I continue to be grateful. And the Episcopal Church welcomed me just as I was, and has done so ever since. Again I am grateful to be in a faith community that welcomes people who are at different stages in life, offering the lifegiving love of Christ, a place to build friendships, and a place to use the gifts God has given us to give back to God and to others.
As 2024 unfolds, my goal is to focus on “why”. I hope to work on areas where “what” I am doing does not match my “why". May God give us all grace to discover and recover our "why" as 2024 unfolds.
Much love in Christ - Fr. Paul Frey
Comedian Michael Junior says knowing “Why” we do something is more important than knowing “What” we thing we should do. When ‘why’ is clear, the “what” becomes clearer. And when things are hard or challenging, knowing why can give you that extra boost to continue moving forward.
Gratitude for God’s grace is the underlying “Why” in my life. I grew up in a Christian home, was required to go to church every Sunday, but somehow missed the part where you commit your life to Jesus Christ and put your faith in his Resurrection, Forgiveness, and Plan for your life.
When I was helped by others to commit my life to Christ, and discovered his forgiveness, I was so grateful. And I continue to be grateful. And the Episcopal Church welcomed me just as I was, and has done so ever since. Again I am grateful to be in a faith community that welcomes people who are at different stages in life, offering the lifegiving love of Christ, a place to build friendships, and a place to use the gifts God has given us to give back to God and to others.
As 2024 unfolds, my goal is to focus on “why”. I hope to work on areas where “what” I am doing does not match my “why". May God give us all grace to discover and recover our "why" as 2024 unfolds.
Much love in Christ - Fr. Paul Frey
This Sunday, January 7th we have our monthly Parish Luncheon. Joe Rubio and crew will be cooking chicken all morning. Bring a dish to share and join us for fun and fellowship after the 11 a.m. service.
30-30-30 RAFFLE
Thanks to all of you who promoted, who bought tickets for, who sold tickets for the raffle and more. We sold 447 tickets and brought in @ $13,000 which will help support our New Leaven Food Program. We hope to do it again last year. We are open to prize ideas and suggestions. Send them to us. (Don't try the math. Every day after day one tickets dropped by a dollar and so later tickets sold for less than the original $30.)
Thanks to so many of you who helped with our Christmas Eve worship. The flowers, the music, the actors, readers, and all of you who came to worship made it a glorious gift of thanksgiving to God as we celebrated the birth of our Lord Jesus, despite the technical difficulties we had with sound, etc.
Our New Leaven program can always use volunteers. If you would like to help by packing groceries, helping load items into cars, being friendly greeter and more, we can use your help. We can train you "on the job". Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 11:30. We can use you even if you can only stay an hour or so.
For the last several year, even before the pandemic, we started to have Ashes on the Go in addition to our 12 noon and evening service. A sign up sheet will be available in the church entry. If you can take an hour during the day on February 14th to help people receive ashes please sign up. For more info call or text Fr. Paul at 956-285-2753.